The “speed-up” of the world of finance has undergone major changes in recent decades driven by market dynamics and rapid technological advancements.

Since the development of market infrastructures in the 1970s, efficiency has steadily improved. Payment services are diversifying, instant payments are increasingly common, and the speed and volume of exchanges and transactions continue to grow rapidly. Emerging innovations – such as algorithm-driven trading, Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) and tokenisation of financial assets – are set to reshape financial markets fundamentally. T+2 is no longer the limit for settlement; T+1 is becoming a reality. Is T+0 on the horizon? At a time when speed and acceleration are paramount, this conference offers a moment to examine the opportunities and challenges presented by these market and technological changes, and to envision the future of financial markets. From trading to post-trade processes and across delivery–versus-payments and payment- versus-payment systems, we will explore in depth the transformation of market infrastructures.

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